Areas of Specialty

comprehensive solutions FOR SPECIALTY DENTAL PRACTICES

XLDent offers dental practice management software suitable for multiple specialties, including dental imaging software, digital dental record management, dental tablet software and electronic health records software. XLDent products allow specialty dentists and staff to create an interactive experience for their patients, and provides flexibility in the delivery of patient care.

Specialty Dental Industries We Serve:

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XLDent Pedo Software

Go Paperless and Wireless with XLDent! Pediatric offices uniquely require workflows designed for a fast-paced, kid-centered environment.

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XLDent Perio Software

The XLDent perio chart lets you easily record pocket depths, gingival margins, CAL levels, MGJ measurements, mobility, furcation grades and more.

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XLDent Endo Software

From the clinical to the administrative, for the well-established practitioner or the clinician just starting out, XLDent provides Endodontists with all the tools and resources they need to build and maintain a successful practice.

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XLDent Ortho Software

The XLDent Ortho Suite allows you to communicate seamlessly with referrals, patients, and parents, and gives you the tools to give patients the best experience possible.

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XLDent Prosthodontic Software

XLDent’s unique inking technology, customizable forms and interview style medical tab allow you to cater to your elderly patient base while at the same time afford you the luxury of going paperless.

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… And our dental software system by XLDent; who saw a need, have the ability and are willing to help out. More

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